Monday, March 16, 2009

How big a boy are ya?


Horn Hunting

I promised to take Kaden to look for antlers on the hill behind the house. However, since I hurt my back, Molly volunteered to go. She took Sadie along too. They didn't find any antlers, but they had a good hike. Kaden and Sadie practiced there survival skills by signalling me at the house with a mirror. Sadie brought me back a rock.

Playground Madness

We stopped at this park to let the kids run around. If we don't, they go insane in the car.

8 yr old Sadie

Sadie had a fun birthday. First thing, she opened up her family presents. One of her favorites was from Grandma Donahoo. It was a keyboard with a karaoke microphone. Later, here friends showed up for a party. It sounded like 30 girls, but there were only 7 or 8. They made pizzas and cupcakes, whacked a pinata, and played games. I'm sure Sadie wished they would have never gone home, but Molly and I were glad when it was over.

Birthday girl on wheels

On the day before Sadie's 8th birthday, Molly had a great idea. She decided that we would take Sadie rollerskating in Pocatello. Sadie loved it even more than we expected. She kept telling Molly that it was the "best day ever". There were some sore knees and rears afterwards, but it was a good time. The DJ had Sadie come to the middle of the floor and everyone sang happy birthday to her. I got a video of her that she will be forever embarassed about.....that's what dads do.

Kids With Fevers

There's nothing worse than sick kids. Molly and I feel helpless sometimes and you feel so bad for them. Luckily, our kids are generally healthy and these minor problems pass quickly.

Digger Zach

Zach loves to dig in the snow. It takes a while to get his snow clothes on, but then he is in heaven. He plays out in the driveway loading things up with snow and then dumping it somewhere else.


I think Daisy is ready for spring. In spring, the ponds aren't frozen, it is easier to dig holes, and there are lots of things for her to smell. Poor Daisy is bored.